

I have designed magazine ads, catalogues, logos, and posters for a wide variety of statewide associations.

Alliance for Main Street Fairness

Alliance for Main Street Fairness

Many businesses are frustrated with Amazon's failure to pay sales tax in certain states, so they formed an association to create tax equality. I created some visuals for a guerrilla marketing campaign to spread the word. Bicycle and mobile billboards were designed to be displayed at the launch of the Amazon Fire tablet. The Wall Street Journal noticed our efforts and publicized the ads online.

MASA Education Day

MASA Education Day

This is a cover I designed for the Michigan Ambulatory Surgery Association.

MASA Surgery Conference

MASA Surgery Conference

This is a cover I designed for the Michigan Ambulatory Surgery Association.

Catalyst Conference

Catalyst Conference

I created the logo and the brochure for this event that featured the Governor of Michigan.

Well Defended Ad

Well Defended Ad

This is an ad I designed for the Michigan Realtors Association.

Check Ad

Check Ad

This is an ad I designed for the Michigan Realtors Association.

Luxury Ad

Luxury Ad

This is an ad I designed for the Michigan Realtors Association.

Michigan Funeral Directors Association

Michigan Funeral Directors Association

This design is a brochure I created for the MFDA.

MFDA Generations2.jpg
MFDA Generations3.jpg
Life Insurance Association of Michigan

Life Insurance Association of Michigan

This is a brochure that I created for the Life Insurance Association of Michigan.

LIAM 2.jpg
LIAM 3.jpg