
Business Leaders for Michigan

Business Leaders for Michigan (BLM) is the state’s business roundtable, composed of the chairpersons, CEOs or most senior executives of the state’s largest job providers and universities. I have developed animated presentations, infographics, web banners, e-mail blasts, and printed materials for the organization.

New Michigan Report

New Michigan Report

This was a cover concept I developed for the BLM annual New Michigan report.

CEO Summit, Logo Introduction

Video that I created for Business Leaders for Michigan to demonstrate the many companies working together for the organization

Michigan Turnaround Plan video

I worked with Business Leaders for Michigan to develop this animated presentation.

BLM Safe Roads

I developed this video for BLM to encourage voters to support Proposal 1 for increased road funding.

BLM magnify

Animated piece that I created for BLM in Adobe After Effects.

MI Turnaround Plan

MI Turnaround Plan

I created this infographic illustration for BLM to show their goals for the state of Michigan.

BLM e-mail blast

BLM e-mail blast

I developed this e-mail blast for BLM using Constant Contact.

Michigan Running Man

Michigan Running Man

I created this animated GIF for a BLM presentation to demonstrate Michigan's committment to once again becoming a healthy state.

Growing a Healthy MI

Growing a Healthy MI

Infographic that I developed in Adobe Illustrator.

Positive Statewide Economic Impact

Positive Statewide Economic Impact

Handout with infographics that I developed.

Higher Ed Infographic

Higher Ed Infographic